Saturday, July 3, 2010

Camp is in Session!

It's been a long time since I've spent two weeks completely on my own. Come to think of it, I'm not sure I ever have. Self-imposed solitude may sound like a wretched idea to some. Not me. I'm relishing this chance to recharge & refuel on my own in a different environment, hundreds of miles from family and friends.

My sister & her husband very generously invited me to stay at their beautiful home in Portland, Oregon while they are abroad on their own vacation. I've been looking forward to this little sabbatical for months, and now that I'm here I am evermore grateful. Their home is so lovely, the Piedmont neighborhood so serene. And, you know, it's the Northwest, so everything is GREEN, GREEN, GREEN.

From my favorite perch on their porch, I can read and write and design to my heart's content. No schedule, no bedtime, no responsibility. Well, except for my own health & happiness. And keeping the plants alive.

Honestly, I'm not going to do much exploring. My plan is to stick pretty close to home most of the time. I look forward to taking bike rides and long walks, but mostly I want to remain still. I've done all the downtown tourist stuff here, I've been to the mountains and the ocean. Sure, I'll take advantage of the geography -- a daytrip to Cannon Beach, fresh salmon from Fresh Seasons. But this time, I'm not gonna stress about getting places. Right here is where I want to be.

I'll do my best to take and upload photos here for anyone who cares to follow. I have no delusions that any of this will be interesting to anyone but me. But part of my Summer Camp curriculum is to learn how to blog, so why not experiment here?

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